Review Process

Articles may be written in English, German, or French and are subject to double-blind peer review.

The Editorial Board will first assess the suitability of the content for publication in Chatreššar, then solicit two outside reviews. The process is strictly anonymous (the articles will be anonymized and the identity of the reviewers will not be revealed).

The reviewers must ensure that all information related to the submitted manuscript is kept confidential. They must also notify the Journal of any potential conflicts of interest, and inform the Editors of any possible copyright infringement and plagiarism by the author(s). The reviewers are to evaluate the submission objectively, assess its suitability for publication, and present their opinions in a clear and constructive manner. Their evaluations will then be checked by the Editors and passed on to the author(s).

Prospective contributors can expect to receive a response within 90 days of submission.

Úvod > Review Process